When I started looking at doing a YWAM DTS online, the number one hesitation I had was the
money. Granted, living off of $6000 for 6 months is actually really cheap when you take in to
account that it covers rent, food, and 3 months overseas. Even so, I definitely didn’t have that kind
of money just sitting around.
‘Where God Guides, God Provides’ is a slogan you hear a lot in a YWAM DTS.
I’m so thankful for the YWAM staff that didn’t bat an eye about whether or not I could get the
money together; they just had faith! They gave me great tips for how to start raising the money.
When my faith was down, they encouraged me, even when I felt like I was out of options. ‘Where
God Guides, God Provides’ is a slogan you hear a lot in a YWAM DTS. Guess what: they were
Seeing thousands of dollars come out of seemingly nowhere is one of the coolest experiences I
have had in YWAM, and knowing how to trust God for big things is a skill that applies to a lot of
other areas of life as well. It’s given me the boldness to tackle anything new and any kind of
challenge. I wouldn’t trade that for anything.
Written by Jeremy Dorrough