
Learn the tools you need to pioneer your own YWAM campus.

If you are a campus still young and pioneering, this gathering is for you!

It can be challenging at the beginning of a campus’ life cycle to find the resources for all your challenges, questions, and concerns. The early years of a campus (1-10 years) are often the years that require the most help, connection, assisting, honesty, and support. As you can see, pioneering a campus requires a lot of support from your community.

YWAM North Cascades is going to host a gathering for all campuses 10 years or younger (including those re-pioneering). We are partnering with National and Global Elders to cover two topics: culture and management. We are going to share all the things we have learned, learned from others, ask questions of each other, and give helpful input and support as we navigate the future and our growth together.


This workshop is designed for campuses and leaders of campuses who are still in the beginning stages of developing and growing their campus, as well as those who are interested in starting their own YWAM campus and are needing support and resources to do so.


All questions about this event can be directed to Jen Dorrough. She can be reached by email at jen@ywamnorthcascades.com.


Learn the basics about this workshop.



Upcoming Dates

July 20th - 25th, 2025

Payments can be made online or in person at the time of your arrival. For online payments click HERE.

*Family prices are uniquely determined based on the family. Cost may vary depending on individual and group needs. Our registration team will help you determine the specific price for you or your group after you have registered.


Do you need help figuring things out?

Get info on topics, costs, dates, etc.